I love to teach! It is exciting and energizing to share with students my knowledge and experience about topics that I love, ranging from the history of the Earth, to vertebrate evolution and paleobiology, to the curation and conservation of a large fossil collection. I have taught four courses at CU-Boulder:

My classroom is one of participatory learning, and I expect my students to think, discuss, question, brainstorm, and in general, play an active role in their learning experience. 

I advise graduate students in both the Department of Geological Sciences and the Museum & Field Studies Masters Program at CU-Boulder.  I have had the privilege to be the primary advisor for 15 graduate students (listed below), and I have been a member of the thesis/dissertation committee for several others. All of my students gain experience in paleontological fieldwork. 

Geological Sciences: Benjamin Burger (PhD, graduated 2009); Alex Dutchak (PhD, graduated 2010); John Van Regenmorter (MS, graduated 2011); Vikki Crystal (PhD student, current)

Museum & Field Studies MS Program: Marie Worley-Georg (graduated 2004); Karen Lloyd (graduated 2007); Aspen Padilla (graduated 2008); Wendy Schultz (graduated 2009); Michael Poltenovage (graduated 2011); Deborah Wagner (graduated 2013); Katie McComas (graduated 2014); Elisa Dahlberg (graduated 2015); Emily Lannoye (graduated 2015); Tara Templeman (current); Nicole Neu-Yagle (current).